
Friday, September 13, 2013

Five for Friday & a Freebie!

So, if I start this on Thursday night, maybe I will actually post it on Friday. (Fingers crossed) 

Click here for Doodle Bugs Teaching 
1. I am 3 weeks into this school year. I have woke up every day at 5am and worked out! I hate waking up early, but it actually been a great addition to my day! I am doing Jillian Michael's Revolution. Week 1&2 were okay. She kicks it up a notch in week 3&4! I curse her daily, but always glad when I am done.
2. I set up Class Dojo with my classes this week and it is awesome!!! 
I blogged about it here
3. My boys had their first baseball and Tball game last night! 
4. I did a fun interactive lesson on integers this week and my students begged me to "play again"
Seriously, that has not happened for me in middle school. I will be blogging about it tomorrow for Head Over Heels Motivation link party. Be sure to check it out! 
5. We have our first home football game tonight! Go Wildcats!!! 
Short, sweet and to the point, but I actually feel like I accomplished something on my to-do list! 
And as a Friday bonus, here's a vertical line freebie. 
click here for the link party
We did this for integers. I wish I had the dotted lines when I gave it to my kiddos! there are two per sheet and yes, I printed mine in color for my students, but it is not a must. 
click here for the freebie!

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  1. Can't wait to hear more about your interactive lesson tomorrow! How sweet are your boys? I wish I was as motivated as you are to work out! Good for you Elizabeth!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  2. Nice job with the workouts!

    I've heard a lot of positive things about Class Dojo. I'm going to have to check that out!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin
