
Friday, July 27, 2012

Free Rewards for Students and YOU!

This is my 1st Freebie Friday!!! I am so excited!

As teachers, we spend a lot of our own money. As I read blogs, I see all the great bargains everyone has been finding at Target, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, teacher stores, etc....

I have been shopping this summer as well. I have spent too much money, I know.

While planning positive reinforcements for my classroom management plan, I started thinking about how I could reward them with 1) FREE things, and 2) something that they would like. Plus, I have approximately 100 students, so free is important.

I made reward coupons. These are things I know they wanted to do last year, but weren't allowed to. Middle school kids are sometimes hard to please.

 I have 9 ideas so far.

I found these index card boxes at Target for 50 cents one week. I wish I had bought more because when I went back, they were $1. But, they also came with these dividers and stickers, that I know I will use at some point.
I made labels to match the coupon and this is where I will store each coupon.

I am really excited to share this with my Math department when school starts and to start using this with my students.

I also want to share this with you.  I  took my name off so you can use it yourself.

Click here  or the picture for the free download.

And, if you have any other ideas, please share them with me.


  1. Thank you so very much for sharing these! What a generous gift! They are awesome..thank you!! :)Here is a great list of ideas for classroom rewards. :)

  2. This is awesome thank you for sharing!
    Sixth Grade Sparkle

  3. I can really see my kiddos liking the gum and shoes passes! Thanks for the great ideas!
