
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Divisibilty Lessons- Math Notebook and Centers

My first math related lesson was on Divisibility Rules. Last year we didn't really touch on it and I think it hurt our kids. I want them to have practice with the rules and then have a resource in their notebooks to use when they get stuck.

I used an interactive flipchart first. I am also including this divisibility game in the first set of math centers we do. Click on the picture below to get a copy of the center. (free)

Have you seen this on Pinterest?
  I made a generic one that I can change anytime. This will  be "Divisibility Swat", next week. As a warm up, I plan to say something like, "Swat a number divisible by 3" A student will swat a number AND explain WHY based on the divisibility rule.

My plan was to have them create this in their math notebooks. Matchbook divisibility rules. Isn't it cool?

Then reality set in, and this is what ended up in their notebook instead, but not in color.
Can't ever remember these.

For the left side, student output, they completed a checklist of only four problems. I used it for a quick check and an informal assessment.

This lesson went well. They don't have cool matchbooks in their notebook, but I am over it. (well, maybe not yet. It would have been so cool.) The students really liked the interactive flipchart. To help keep these rules in their minds, I am including this for their daily quiz next week. And I know they will love the swat game.

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