
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Positive vs. Negative Classroom Management MS Sunday Funday

The weekdays are so busy with school and then sports for my own child, that blogging only happens on the weekends around here these days.

Thank goodness for MS Sunday Funday.  It's that time again.

Today's topic Classroom Management.

I have actually blogged about this before. 4 P's and Rewards were the main topics.
So, how's it going?

The 4 P's have been explained, but with things being so hectic, I haven't actually started implementing this. I do plan to start soon though.

I honestly feel like things are calming down (did I just jinx myself?) and I see this being manageable now.

I have one rough class and its the one I plan to start first. They are the one that needs structure and it helps me stay calm if I plan on starting with one class at a time.

This year our campus became a PBIS campus. That stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Support. I have been involved with this before, but at the elementary level. It is going really well as a campus. We are only on stage one and have a lot to do, but there's a huge difference on our campus.

The whole concept is based on being POSITIVE with students and teaching them expectations and then rewarding them for those positives behavior.

This is how I decided to handle my classroom this year based on how awful things went last year. I knew I had to be positive if I was going to survive this school year and not be an alcoholic or worse.

I have implemented Positive Behavior Rewards in my classroom. I pass these out for everything; bringing homework back, sitting in their seat when the bells rings, having a pencil, name on their paper, sharing, etc.... I give them out constantly.

Each class has a decorated can where they put their rewards. (sorry no pic)

Once a week and on days we have 100% homework completed, I choose names and they get to choose from my reward coupons. I thought of things that were FREE and that my students wanted. So far, so good. The students love getting the coupons and the students really like getting their name drawn. I probably need to draw more and for me, I think that is an easy fix.

 My coupons are here as a free download.

I am a firm believer that classroom management is essential to teaching. You can't teach if you don't have control of your class. I learned last year, the hard way I might add, that having systems in place and using them will make things so much easier.

What systems do you use?


  1. We are a PBIS school as well and have the individual reward tickets at 6th, in 7th they have one with 10 signature spots (teacher's sign when they do something good) and in 8th grade we have one with 20 signature spots. It works well if ALL teachers on a team buy in though. Great post and thanks for the freebie!

    1. I will share that idea with our PBIS team. THANKS

  2. We have CHAMPS at school, best part that students get across campus is the noise level. I'm sorry? PBIS? How do you say this? I see pubes :)
