
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blog Comments Challenge- MS Funday Sunday

Hey Middle School Math Community!

Julie from I Speak Math challenged us to read five blogs and comment to encourage the author. I found myself just reading and reading blogs. I found so many great ideas and links and I ended up on blogs and forgetting where I started. I loved it though. Here's a few I found and why I enjoy reading them.

So, of course, first, I Speak Math... Julie posts a lot and I love that. I can't find the time. I wish I could. She has great ideas and I love that she encourages the middle school community.  Julie has a huge list on her site of middle school blogs if you are searching.

Another favorite is thenumbertwentyone. Courtney also post often and they are short, quick and to the point. I tend to type on and on and on... I have incorporated a lot of her ideas in my classroom this year.

Another blog that I see on many blog rolls is Finding Ways to Nguyen Them Over by Fawn Nguyen. Her site is full of awesome ideas. I love here dialogue and she has a great way of helping kids understand higher level math. I wish I had her when I was in middle school. She is inspiring. Check her out!

I stumbled onto Math in the Middle. There weren't recent post, but I checked out some older posts and  stumbled upon these AWESOME review game ideas.  Reviewing is essential, but tends to be boring, here's a unique way to review and hopefully make an impact on learning. They are worth checking out!

Mr. Darby @ Change over Time I also read this blog and thought it was nicely done. It felt like I was just sitting with him drinking coffee and hearing about his thoughts.

I have followed Finding Joy in 6th Grade for a while now. I found it and thought the name was hysterical, because at the time, I hated teaching 6th grade. I wondered how anyone could be joyful in middle school.
She has been MIA for a while, but there are some awesome post and ideas on her site. Plus, she is back to blogging and trust me, she will inspire you!

Trust me, I read more and could write about them all day, but my own children won't allow that.
For me, the blogging community keeps me excited about teaching middle school. I enjoy getting ideas, but I also like having a place to share mine. Even if no one reads them. It's very therapeutic for me.

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