
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January Currently

I know, two posts in one day, bad blogger. But I just got my Internet back after having to buy a new modem and I didn't want to forget to link up.

Time to link up again with Farley, for January's currently.
Why did I choose chilled as my OLW?
Well, choosing one word is hard, but the one thing my husband and sons tell me is I am too uptight, or as my 15 year old says, "a fun killer". They think I am too serious. Maybe I am. I am focused and driven. I know what needs to get done and I do it, full steam ahead.

My husband has to remind me all the time that I need to slow down and take those few extra moments for fun because you never know what will happen next. We all know this to be true after so many tragic events in our country lately.

So, my goal is to be "chilled" this year and have more fun!

How 'bout you?


  1. Hey! I just found your blog through January's Currently and I am your newest follower. Chilled is a good word that probably suits most teachers! I think it is one of a teacher's many flaws. My word is YOLO! Come check out my blog :)!

    Sent From My iPad

  2. I would die without the internet...thank goodness you got a new modem!!!

    Teachery Tidbits

  3. I love my Keurig too! My mom bought me a Keurig cup for Christmas. It is made by the company and fits any Keurig because I always get cups that I love but they are always too tall. It will be perfect for school. Glad you got your internet back :)


  4. I found you through Farley's Currently. My Principal bought our school a K-Cup for X-mas. Love it;)

    This Little Piggy Reads Alll the Way Home
