
Sunday, March 10, 2013

MS Math Sunday Funday- Grading Policies

Have you heard of Educents? Check them out and receive a $15 gift card before the launch in April.

And now, to today's topic: Math Class Grading

Grading was new to me last year. I had taught first for so long and the districts I worked in, didn't give grades for first graders. We did more of a "readiness". Then I became an interventionists for four years and I didn't ever give grades.

Then, came middle school and holy moly, grading was a rude awakening. I teach over 100 students. Grading freaked me out.

Grading policies, however were in place for me.
In my district, daily grades are weighted 40% and major grades are weighted 60%.

This year I have learned so much more about grading. We have given major projects outside of class. We assign these as major grades which has helped our students who don't necessarily test well.

We are required to give two grades per week. I sometimes give more, depending on what we are studying.

Another thing I have done this year is use rubrics for grading. I like that the students know exactly what is expected and what they will receive for their work and effort.

Next week I will share how I grade, or don't grade homework. This too, is something I have learned by trial and error.

Happy Sunday to you all!

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