
Friday, April 12, 2013

Five for Friday

I had today off!
It was FABULOUS!!!  It was scheduled bad weather make up day. Sorry, northern friends, we don't have snow days here!
Looking back, I am thinking this week was pretty quiet. Really, did I just say that??!!! Is that even true???

ONE: Last weekend, we had a win win! My son's baseball team won! Then, later that afternoon, his soccer team won!

TWO: At school we started our two week review before the big test. I am trying so hard not to just do worksheets. I am trying to keep it fun, upbeat, motivating. I am working my butt off. My students though, NOT SO MUCH!!! It has been frustrating. I will keep plugging away though, SIX more days!!!!

THREE: My son turned 16 on Wednesday. Having a hard time with that concept! I can get older, his brothers can get older, but for some reason, him turning 16 just seems outlandish. I told him not to take a silly picture because I would still post it. He obviously doesn't care! Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory does that to him!

FOUR: I am doing a homework challenge right now. The second day, all of my classess were +90% for completion.

FIVE:  FRIDAY!!! I enjoyed today sooo much! My younger boys and I slept in and they were able to wake up on their own. They were in such good moods. They helped me out at work for about an hour. Then we headed to Wal Mart and bought a few things for school and for my sons best buddies birthday party!

Once again, our weekend is jammed packed. Two sporting events and a birthday party. Plus, my husband, is making two cakes. Yes, my husband bakes! Can't wait to show you his masterpieces next week!

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