
Monday, April 29, 2013

May Goals- Linky Party

I am linking with Jess over at I Heart Recess to set some goals for May!

Personal: I tend to focus on my kids and work and he gets the last of my energy. I am really trying to be better at balancing those things in my life.

Health: I started losing weight a while back. It is slow, but steady. I started waking up early, 5am-early, few weeks ago, it hasn't been horrible. I just need to keep it up! I have a goal and want to reach it before the end of June!

Blogging: Blogging has helped me stay motivated this year. I love having things to share and I love seeing what other teachers are doing. I don't want to stop that.

School: In the last month or so, I know it will be easy to get too relaxed. The test is over, kids are done and I have to keep them engaged! Plus, we are in planning stages for next year already. I want to keep those steps organized so we can start strong in August.

Fun: We watch a lot of Disney here... we do get to watch sports too, but I am am determined to see the new Mark Wahlberg movie this month!

How about you? What are your goals for May? Link up and share!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up! Love your personal goal! We are working on this one together, we joined a Sacred Marriage Bible study to help with this one :) I envy you for your ability to wake up early and work out, I am not a morning person!

