
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tried it Tuesday- Brain Dump

Mixed feelings about today. It is state testing for Math here. It's over, what's done is done!

and... its TUESDAY!!! Time for Tried it Tuesday!!!!

This is a brain dump:

I have shared about this before, here and several other times as well. This is school wide here. Each grade level has their own version. The idea is that they learn all this stuff throughout the year and then they "dump their brain" before they take the test. Then they have something to refer back while taking their test.

Last week, a teacher in my department had a great idea to get shirts to wear the day before testing reminding kids to write their brain dump before they start their test. We are not allowed to tell them that the day of the test.

This is the shirt:

The kids LOVED it. They were even asking where we got them, they wanted one too!!! 

As I was actively monitoring today and collecting their graph paper after the test, I noticed that many students drew the brain dump. Some didn't draw it all, but they were parts. I was very pleased and happy they wrote something!

One day down, one more to go!


  1. I love this t-shirt!!!! We do the "Dump your brain" activity as well! My kids have been practicing a few times a week on their "dump." I will try to take pics of ours and share tomorrow on my blog.

  2. I love the shirt! What a great idea! We do "brain dumps" in my room as well!
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  3. I do something similar in my class. We call it brain splash. I love when I see kids doing it, but I'm always disappointed when some don't write anything.

    Teacher of Scholars

  4. Love this! I don't teach math but if I ever do I'm all over it! Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower!

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have never heard of brain dump before. This is awesome! Thank you!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper
