
Monday, May 20, 2013

Must Have Mondays

I am linking up with Teaching with a Touch of Twang for Must Have Mondays.
 My first one is my Time Timer. I have blogged about this several times. Click here and here for those posts. Sorry for the repeat ladies, but I live and die by this thing.

I have 50 minutes classes and this is the best visual for me to keep pace of my lessons. Plus, my students NEVER ask, how much time is left? Most of the time I hear, "wow, class is almost over!"

Can't wait to see your must haves!


  1. I keep reading about this time and it looks great! I need to order one for next year!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. These are great. The visualization of time is soo helpful

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  3. Thanks for linking up! I don't have one but my supervising teacher when I was in college had one and it worked wonders for her SLD kids. They really understood how much longer they had on an assignment and what not. Since you speak so highly of it I might just have to get myself one ;o)

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  4. I have never seen a clock like that before. You are right. It is a great visual! Love it!

    Eclectic Educating

  5. Great visual! I forgot about that I still have mine??!!
    I wasn't sure if you knew, but you're a no-reply blogger, so I can't reply back to your comments. Email me so I can help.
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  6. This is a neat timer. I have the regular digital timers stuck all over my room but this one looks very useful. Thanks for the suggestion. :) This linky is getting expensive. ;)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners
