
Friday, June 7, 2013

5 for Friday

I haven't posted 5 for Friday in a while, but joining Doodlebugs Teaching, even while she is on vacation on the beach!

My 5 this week:

1) I have never done this before, but I went to a workshop during the last week of school. It seemed odd, but it was a really great workshop! It was about using manipulatives in the math class. That was always easy to me in elementary grades. But, in middle school it has been more of a challenge. I am thrilled for all the ideas I got. Practical and really doable!!!! I will be posting about that soon!

2) My son had field day, but because of the workshop, I wasn't able to attend. His sweet teacher sent me this picture. He obviously didn't miss me!

3) I just returned from our end of the year awards for our district. We are small enough that we have an end of the year breakfast for all the staff. Each school gives awards and we acknowledge our retirees. I was so proud that two teachers from my department received big awards. It was also great to be a part of the longevity awards. Our district gives 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 year awards. This year they gave a lot. It was really awesome. I have only been the district 2 years, but it feels good to know teachers are committed to  this community!

4) Non school related: One of my husbands hobbies is cake making. This week he made THREE!!! I am totally bragging and seriously bias. He is so talented and his cake taste so yummy. The diet has been on hold while he has done this as well. It's just impossible not to indulge!!!
End of Year Baseball cake 
End of 1st Grade 
 This one was one he sold. A first birthday!

5) And now, my summer begins. I chose to teach summer school. We start on Monday. I also start curriculum writing next week. So, today instead of being at the pool, I am writing lesson plans. I am not complaining, because I did make this choice and it means extra income.

Happy First Friday in June!!! 


  1. Yummy cakes! I am always amazed at how people can create masterpieces like that.

  2. That is so cool that your husband bakes cakes!!

    Can't wait to read your future posts about manipulatives since I'll be teaching 6th grade math for the 1st time next year!

    Have fun with the curriculum writing-I'm doing the National Writing Project the whole month of June. YES-we do it to ourselves. :)


  3. I LOVE the longevity awards!!!! I am actually going to email my superintendent about this idea. Recognizing someone's commitment to a district is huge.


  4. I LOVE the longevity awards!!!! I am actually going to email my superintendent about this idea. Recognizing someone's commitment to a district is huge.

