
Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Freebies

I wrote about student incentives for a different post that didn't happen, but I didn't want to waste everything I had written and linked. 

Since I have so many new followers since last year, I am adding this to the recent Friday Freebies at TBA. 

This is my incentive program for positive behavior in my classroom. 

I give tickets for good behavior. I pass these out like crazy. I want them to have as many in the bucket as possible. Each class period has a bucket. These are last years buckets.
I plan to revamp them before school starts this year.  I draw between 4-6 names each week and  they are able to choose reward coupons. 
These are my tickets. 
Get them FREE here

These are the rewards I use. 

Last year I copied them on colored paper. I keep them in index box holders. 

Get them FREE here

My students' favs: Homework Passes and Electronic Passes. The bonus points was something new near the end, they liked that too. 

Happy Friday! 

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  1. As soon as I saw this, I thought my sixers would LOVE this! I have a hard time keeping my kids in my interventions classes motivated, but this would be perfect. I tried to download the file from Scribd, but I don't have an account. Any suggestions on how I can download it?


    1. I agree they look great and I would definitely use them but I also do not have a Scribd account :(

  2. This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing, Heather

  3. I love your tickets! It is hard to find school appropriate motivators for middle schoolers sometimes. Fantastic! Thanks so much!

  4. Cute tickets!!!! I love them~ Thank you!
