
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sparking Motivation- Mc Teacher Night

Have you ever heard of Mc Teacher Night

It's a school fundraiser where teachers "work" at Mc Donald's and your school gets a portion of the proceeds from the sales during that time frame. 

Our school has done it two years in a row. We divide it up between grade levels. We have a designated night for 6th grade, one for 7th and one for 8th. We even make it a competition. 

Ours was last week. I was the order caller. It was a pretty easy job. 

We also offer students a free homework pass for attending. 

We had a great turn out. Not sure what we made money wise, but the kids loved it. 

It's a great way to motivate students and been out and about in the community. We are a small town, and we have a ton of staff that commutes. For parents to see those teachers working Mc Donald's was a big deal. 

Not sure if it is available in your area, but it is worth a look into. 
It is part of McDonalds Educates

Link up with Joann over at Head Over Heels for Teaching and get motivated!!!

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  1. Our school is giving this a try this year. I have a feeling I will get major flashbacks to some of my old high school jobs.

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  2. That is so cool. I have never heard of this, but I would do this in a heartbeat.
    Seriously, that is pretty awesome. I'm going to share this with our PTA because they are always looking for things like this.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  3. This is the second time I've heard of this and I don't know why we don't participate! I have to share your post with my principal. So motivating! Thanks for sharing and linking up Elizabeth!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching
