
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ice Day

So, it's Tuesday and normally I'd have a Tried It Tuesday, but it will have to wait until Wednesday. What I want to write about we did yesterday. I don't have pictures and since we are iced in, I am not going to school. I will post about that tomorrow. 

Be sure to keep reading because there's a GREAT giveaway at the end! 

Now, for our ice day story: 

Just a reminder as you read this, I live in Texas, we don't do cold! As a matter of fact, yesterday, a team mate of mine said, "What is with the weather?" I just looked at her and said, "Uh, it's called Winter." She laughed and said, "Yea, but we live in Texas." It really is a different place. (HA!)

We are home today, again. We missed last Friday due to ice. We knew the night before we were having a delayed start, then at 6am, they cancelled. I was so bummed. The make up day is when I will be in Las Vegas. No, I am not cancelling that, I am having to use another "sick day". Not a good idea when I have a child with an upcoming surgery. 

Anyway, today was another story. We knew the ice was coming, but not until about 5am this morning. I knew of one district that called a late start before school let out, the rest, well, they waited. 

I woke up at 4:50am and worked out. YES! It was 28 degrees outside, but no ice. After my workout, I did the dishes. I know, seriously? I must  have been sick. As I was washing the dishes, my phone rang. Without even answering it, I knew... delayed start. Okay, that I can deal with. 

At 6:30 though, another call, school's cancelled. By now, I had gone back to sleep. I knew my kids would naturally wake up soon, so I went back to sleep to sneak in a few more minutes. 

I figured it was this way in all surrounding areas. That was not the case. Some of our local districts waited too long to call the delay or cancel and the elementary kids were at school already when it was called. (our schools stagger start times to accommodate so many bus riders) 

Teachers had gotten out on the bad roads with their own children. Well, some of them. See around here, we have a LOT, and I mean, A LOT of commuters. We have two teachers in my school that drive an hour and half ONE WAY to work daily!!! When I got the call, I immediately called my teaching partner that commutes and told her to stay home. I know she leaves about 6:15am daily. 

For this reason alone, I feel they have to call delays or cancellations earlier. It is just unsafe. I am lucky now, I live minutes from school. I used to commute 45 minutes one way, but that stopped when my middle child started kindergarten. We really wanted him to go to our neighborhood school and I wanted to be closer to him. It's how I ended up in middle school actually. There were zero openings in our three elementary schools, and last minute a math position came up in the middle school. One of the elementary principals I had interviewed with gave that principal my name and the rest is history. 

So, I have a question for you. Do your district call delays or cancellations with or without enough notice? Is this a "Texas" thing or not? Just curious. Please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks in advance. 

Man, I am babbling. Can you tell, I need to talk daily, a lot and days like this, kill me!!! 

We schedule two bad weather make up days into our school calendar. We have officially used them. Any other days we miss will be tacked on to the end of the school year. The thought of that is just yuck! 

It's still really cold, It hasn't warmed up, it's only 28 degrees. We will not be leaving the house. 

Instead I am doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms and hopefully even a nap later. 

I did however create a new product. Mine as well be productive, right? 

This one is for balancing equations. Check it out here

Oh, and I can't forget Miss Math Dork is celebrating her birthday and 2K followers on FB. She is having a HUGE giveaway! It's a Math Palooza, I tell you! You have to check it out and enter to win!!! 

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  1. I assume I am in a district right near you and we got the class last night about a two hour delay, which was nice, but they waited until 8:30 this morning to actually cancel I was on my way out the door. Less than amused. But I have so many students who walk to school, take the city bus and don't have access to the information (no telephones, etc.) that I can imagine a bunch went to school today. Waiting until the last minute is what I think caused so many unnecessary accidents...end rant...apparently I needed to talk too!

  2. In Houston, districts started cancelling at noon yesterday. My district which usually waits until the last minute, cancelled at 9 PM last night. On Friday, we were notified at 5 AM. In the past, I have been notified as late as 6:30 AM. Teaching in middle school though, we start at 8:55 AM and teachers arrive between 7:30 and 8 on my campus. I live so close that anytime is ok with me. Around these parts, we could have actually gone to school today!

  3. Have you been reading the craziness happening around Atlanta? Kids stuck in schools over night? People on the highway that are having to stay in shelters? Oh my goodness. My heart goes out to them. Those teachers better get a free pass on their evaluations this year!!! This Winter is CRAZY!!!!!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
