
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday Tried It-Writing on the desk

I know kids love white boards and dry erase markers. 

This is my twist. 

We used our desks last week. At first, they were skeptical. But, once I did it and they tried it, they loved it. 

I use old socks for erasers. I take them home to wash when they need it. Again, my kids freaked out at first, but I promised them they were clean. They are just old socks that the dryer had eaten their mate. Plus, my husband is extremely OCD and buys new socks every few months and I recycle his not so old ones  for erasers. 

Also, I will warn you, the socks don't completely clean the desks. We did use some spray cleaner as well when we were completely finished. 

Be sure to link up with Holly for some good Tried It Ideas. 

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  1. I used to do this ALL.THE.TIME. when I taught Kindergarten. I would draw two big circles with a plus and equal sign and place manipulatives in the circles for them to add. The kids think it is the coolest thing ever to break school rules! I always use Clorox wipes to get everything off. I'm glad to see the "big kids" enjoyed it too!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. This is my FAVORITE! We use our desks all the time, but I blogged about shower boards today! Great minds think alike! Isn't that funny about the missing sock mate??!! I swear I think Hanes and Whirlpool have a conspiracy! I have so many mismatched socks!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. My kiddos love doing this! The first grade teacher we partnered with for book buddies last year did this, and when the kids saw it they begged to do it. Super easy and motivating.

  4. Ohhhh, I wish I could do this! Our new desks have a textured top that is impossible to clean. So jealous:).

  5. My kiddos have seen this when they blog stalk me and have begged to do it! I guess I should give in. LOL!

  6. Fun! I wish my desks were as nice as yours! With my luck, a student would use a Sharpie! haha
    Pinkadots Elementary

  7. I love that you use old socks for the eraser! I haven't tried this because I am afraid of our maintenance police! Haha!! Thanks for the inspiration. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  8. I do this too! It's such a simple idea but the kids minds are blown! Plus socks and spray are all you really need to get it cleaned up! Excellent

