
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wordless Wednesday-Acceptance Letter

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram (hodgesgal23), you are probably tired of this. 

I never tire of sharing it though. 

My son was accepted to Texas A&M University this week. 

I have two sisters and a brother that are all Aggies.
Both of my sisters are married to Aggies. 

Our blood bleeds maroon

We knew he would get accepted, but this letter makes it R-E-A-L! 

Do you remember getting your acceptance letter to your college of choice? 
I don't. How sad is that? 
I will never forget getting this one though! 


Be sure to link up with Miss DeCarbo for this fun linky!

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  1. Congratulations to you and your son, even if it is AT&M. I bleed orange. Or at least my bank account does for the next 10 or so years so I am a Longhorn fan. I still have my letter in a scrapbook, can't imagine too many boys make senior scrapbooks but its such a fun thing to keep.

    1. hee hee. you sound like the people I work with... that's the beauty of living near Austin. I will keep it for him! LOL

  2. Many congratulations although I agree with The Babbling Box get ready to pay, pay, pay - son is at uni (final year this year) and daughter got her acceptance letter this summer although she has deferred until next autumn (thank goodness) as don't think could have truly afforded both at the same time. I remember getting mine and going off as if it was yesterday so I keep wondering how it is my two kids are doing the same now!!
    Special Teaching at Pempi's Palace

    1. Thankfully, he will have his father's unused GI bill for college. Whew!

