
Monday, November 24, 2014

Anchors Away Monday

I have been MIA for a little while, just because I am so busy. But this week, I am home for Thanksgiving break and I plan to catch up!!! 

I found this great linky, I just HAVE to participate in. Deb, at Crafting Connections hosts a linky on Anchor Charts. Any subject, not just Math. 

I have anchor charts plastered in my room. I will follow the rules and just share on though. 

I hung this up after we made the one below in their interactive notebooks. 

We use the mnemonic
Kids Hate Decimals Unless Decimals Create Money 

They loved it and picked it up really quickly. 

Be sure to link up and share your ideas and ones you have found online! 

Can't wait until next week to share more.  

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  1. This is awesome, and I LOVE the acronym! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh my goodness! I love this anchor chart and the acronym because it is SO TRUE!! Thank you for linking up! I hope you have a productive week of catching up with things. :)
