
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Not in Vegas, but Linky

School in the City has put together a "Not in Vegas, but " linky. I decided to join, because I am not in Vegas. 

I actually have a "ticket". I signed up in April. I did it with the hope that we could swing it. And, recently, we realized that we could.  I even printed off some of my session handouts to prepare my notebook. 

My husband left the decision completely up to me. We are serious VEGAS people. We go every year. We may actually go later this month, just for fun (and our 10 year anniversary). 

But, not this week. 

I TpT for my son and his medical bills. This hasn't changed. They are still there. (the bills) 

Then, last week, my mom got sick. My mom takes care of my ailing Dad. I need to stay close to home. 

I'm bummed, but not overly upset. It is what it is and I have plenty to keep me busy here. I am having fun on social media checking stuff out and enjoying the posts. 

Vegas isn't gong anywhere, they'll be more opportunities. I'm looking forward to them. 

If you're "not in Vegas" be sure to link up and have some fun with the "homies". 

oh and before you go, don't forget about a few giveaways going on right now. 

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  1. God bless you! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers...

  2. Sending positive vibes your way! There's always next year!

    Thanks for linking up.

    School and the City

    1. Thank you and I agree, next year is always a possibility!


  3. So sorry for everything going on in your life right now! One day we will all get there! Sending special thoughts your way!

    Becky from

  4. My dad recently got sick, too. He's doing better now, but it's taken about a month or so. I hope things start turning around for you!
    Are We There Yet?
