Showing posts with label Foldable linky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foldable linky. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Foldables and Freebies

Linking up again with Stephanie from Fifth Grade Dugout for a Friday Foldable. 

These are matchbooks. I made this last year for my students to do the first week of school as we reviewed divisibility rules. Well, time was not my friend and they ended up gluing a sheet with the rules on it. BORING! 

This is not a hard foldable, but as a first or second one, it could get tricky. 
So, I made this: 

It may look confusing, but it's not, I promise. The only lines the students really need is the black ones. That line if for the "folded lip". 

Step 1 Fold the paper in half long way and cut apart (green line)

Step 2 Fold up to the black line. 

Step 3: Fold the paper into fourths (red line)

Step 4: Fold the top down into the "flap",  Cut apart. 

Viola! Match books! 

Since this will be one of our first foldables of the year, I will make copies with the black line. I won't do it again now that they have made a match book. I am not about wasting copies when they can just fold paper. It's about planning and time management for me. 

Click here to get the freebie.  

And one more thing.... Check out Holly's Blogiversary Giveaway going on at Fourth Grade Flipper! 

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Three in One- A Foldable Link Party, Currently, & A WINNER!!!!

So yesterday, I did not even turn on my computer all day. My little one played in three baseball games, we napped due to being in the heat for several hours, we had to grocery shop and we had friends over until the wee hours of the morning.
It was a full day.

In the blog world though, I am feeling a little behind.

So, first. I found a new link party on Friday 

It's from Stephanie over at Fifth Grade Dugout. First of all, check out her cute baseball themed blog. It is super cute. 

Foldables are all the rage in teaching right now. I actually just made one for my summer school kiddos. It's for place value. It's just strips cut and glued together. Then they can fold and unfold in their journals when needed. 

I made two versions. For me, I need my students more familiar with the decimals, but I wanted to use one sheet of paper. There really is no reasoning behind how "high" in place value I went. 

Be sure to check it out and add. I know you all have great foldable ideas! 

And of course, Time for Farley's Currently. These are always sooooo fun and its the biggest linky around! I love getting to know people through this linky. 

And the winner of my VERY FIRST  giveaway for 3 items from my TpT store is: 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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