
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wordless Wednesday- SUB NOTE

So behind on blogging. Life is B-U-S-Y! 

But, I have time for one picture! 

A scheduled sub didn't show last week, so an aide had to cover my classes. 
She left me this awesome note. 
You know how hard planning for a sub is and how scary coming back can be to "the note". 
This was quite the treat! 

My question: What do you do for your students when you receive a "good note" from a sub? 

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  1. I always make sure my class knows they have received positive feedback and why it was positive and often they all get to move up a colour on our "Good to be Green" chart at the start of the new day. I pride myself that my classes are always well behaved for subs but I do believe they know I will always ask for feedback and that they know what I expect in terms of behaviour (although I did receive feedback once from my class on a sub who did NOT behave to their expectations - "She didn't say thank you once, Miss and she said "shut up" - I requested she did not teach my class again!! Behaviour works both ways!
    Special Teaching at Pempi's Palace

  2. I let the kids know and thank them. High school students need to know how much I appreciate their extra good behavior when I am gone.
    Kovescence of the Mind
