
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sparking Motivation- The Sweet Tooth Way

It's Saturday (for a few more hours at least) which means time to share how we motivate our students. 

I'm linking up with Joanne to share what I am implementing. 

Last year, with my advanced kids I started the "Smarty Pants Club". I got this idea and cute pictures from our host, Joanne. 

Click here and here to read posts about the club. 

This year, I am continuing the club, but changing up the candy. Believe it or not, we had some issues with Smarties. (its a middle school thing) 

So, while shopping today, I picked up this HUGE bag of candy. 

Then, I made these: 

Last week, we had our first common assessment. I had 2 students make a 100. They will be the first in our Smarty Pants Club. 

They will also get to choose their treat. I made these with Melonheadz super cute Nerd clip art. (These are from set 2) 

These are available in my store now, for FREE
They aren't just for testing, you can use them to reward your students for just being awesome.

Enjoy and be sure to link up! 

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  1. Thanks for the freebie!

  2. Can't wait to snatch these up! Thanks for sharing your creativity! Your board collected A LOT of smarty pants members last year! I'm so glad you love motivating your middle schoolers! I know they can be a tough bunch, but you inspire and encourage them! Thanks for linking up Elizabeth!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching
