It's finally here!!! I have been waiting to reveal my classroom for some time now. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you have seen some sneak peaks, but here s the whole sha-bang!!!
My theme changed from bright and black to bright, black and leadership.
Love my door!
To keep with the leadership theme, the front of my room has Hope King's Desire to Inspire quotes.
I didn't have time to find and buy frames but I love how these black chalkboard place mats turned out. When I have time (bahahahaha) I plan to accent theme with colored chalk. For now, they are fine.
We have uncovered August and written about it in our journals already. The students really enjoyed the unveiling. I look forward to incorporating this all year.
Under the first section is my writing wall, which has just begun to take shape.
Under the second section is where I am housing my brag tags.
The black box on the right is where my tags are stored.
My goal is to keep this table clean each day.
I don't have a desk, but these cubbies are awesome. They store all my stuff. It is keeping me super organized. The drawers are for my weekly papers.
The bulletin board is part of the Desire to Inspire and these are my expectations. I didn't do rules with my kids this year, just expectations.
Above this are the seven habits. Our school is a Leader in Me school and we focus on these a lot.
This is my MUST have for teaching. If you have followed me, you know I love this timer. I can't teach without it. It's called a Time Timer and it keeps me on track. Under it is our daily schedule.
I have two objective boards. I am teaching everything this year, It's my biggest challenge.
I will be using these boards for the first time this week.
This wall has a lot going on.
At the top, I created this display for student work. I don't have a wall outside to do this, so I made inside.I love how it turned out.
Students added their names last week and we even put up work.
I know it's hard to see, but they were so excited when I climbed on my step stool and hung up their writing. Mission accomplished!
This is my Daily 5 Chart. I accidentally printed it small, but decided to keep it.
Since this picture I have separated them by tape to create columns. Just keeps the magnets where they should be.
The magnets, I LOVE THEM!!! They are old bottle caps I spray painted, made numbers and my husband poured a clear glaze. We let them dry for about 3 days and they were exactly what I wanted,
I glued heavy duty magnets on the back and they stick perfectly to my white board.
Students will use these to choose their Daily 5 activity.
Beside this is my calendar and how we show birthdays. I don't teach "calendar" in 5th grade, but its necessary to have one.
Next is my sad library. It's a work in progress.
The genre posters are from Brown Bag teacher.
We created that anchor chart this past week.
I know, there are no books. But there will be.
Luckily my students went to our school library the fourth day of school and were able to check out a book. I am disappointed that I didn't get it all done, but in reality it wasn't the end of the world, so I am over it.
Love the place value chart. We have already used it with a task card activity and I have seen kids look back at it and use it on their own too!
My "back" wall has a few windows, but I do plan on utilizing those for vocabulary.
If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen my area and perimeter window. I absolutely adore it.
I love the Astrobrights colors and even though I wish the word area could have been bigger, I am pleased with how it turned out. If I had done it any larger, it would not have fit in my school laminator.
Then begins my Science focus.
I have shared my Scientific plates I copied off of Alison at Rockin' Lovin' and Learnin'.
The other Science stuff from Ari at Science Penguin. I pretty much bought all her stuff during the big back to school sale. Just a complete time saver!
Science Tools from Ari too!
I am blessed with tons of storage.
These cabinets will house our Science Vocabulary.
The trash cans have been great for foldable trash. But they play with the lids ALL THE TIME and I can't handle it, so they have to stay on the back counter when we aren't using them.
The blue papers are job descriptions for Science experiments. (yes, from Science Penguin)
And yes, I am somewhat obsessed with the tubs,
This week we have also been creating our Daily 5 charts.
More storage. The boxes on top are the school supplies students brought.
Thankfully I am tall so I can access them easily.
I have been receiving lots of textbook stuff. Much of it is here.
The middle is my student book boxes.
Super cheap from Ikea and fun labels from Tara at 4th Grade Frolics.
This was actually the second bulletin board I created.
It's my TEAM jobs. Gonna try something different.
The purple letters above it is a school wide attendance incentive.
We are trying to spell Go Wildcats.
The red folder houses WOW stickers and Zoot Loots.
Wow stickers are a school wide caught being good initiative. And Zoot Loots are a 5th grade positive behavior incentive. I just had to find a safe place to keep them.
This is a shot of my work area. My goal is to keep it this clean at the end of every day.
This is a shot of my entire room from the front door.
Thanks for making it through all the pictures. I am sure I went overboard.
I have really enjoyed sharing with you though.
Be sure to check out all the other reveals

very nice
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