I'm linking up with Joanne from Head Over Heels for Teaching to share how we motivate appropriate lunch room behavior.
Our PBIS and Leadership teams came up with this school wide program for our students.
The cafeteria can be a place of pandemonium in any school. It's just a lot of bodies in one large space. There have to be systems in place.
We have a Silver Spoons competition going on in ours.
Each table has a set of cups. (sorry, I forgot to take a picture of them) They are one red, one yellow and one green solo cup. Each lunch class, they start on green. If students get a little too loud, any teacher on duty can change the cup to yellow as a warning. If a class gets out of control or continues poor cafeteria behavior, the cup can be moved to red.
We do allow cups to go back to green if students fix the poor behaviors.
At the end of each grade level's lunch time, one of the teachers will complete a chart to keep track.
After five days on green, the class earns a silver spoon to our Silver Spoon Leader board.
This board is huge and right where all the students see and can track who's winning.
At the end of each six weeks, the class in each grade level will win the Silver Spoon trophy to keep for the whole six weeks.
Notice how each trophy is grade level specific. One of our teachers and her husband made these. Super creative, right?
I love the K one!
It's really going well. Everyday when my boys and I leave school, my 4th grader asks how our classes did. He has made it a competition between my class, his class and his brother's kindergarten class. He really wants that trophy for his class. So, I'd say the program is working. Anything that will get kids talking about lunchroom behavior after school, is a PLUS!
Be sure to check out Joanne's blog and see other great ideas to motivate your students.

What a fantastic idea! I love that it promotes healthy competition (& proper lunch etiquette!) LOVE the trophies!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! What an adorable idea!! We used to do the red, yellow, green paws (lions) for cafeteria behavior, but I LOVE the Silver Spoon idea! So clever! The bulletin board is a great visual and the trophy is the BEST! Pinning now!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up and sharing Elizabeth!
Head Over Heels For Teaching
I shared your window area/perimeter idea on my blog here:
Thank you for sharing an awesome idea!
Tina Winkle