I decided in May to leave middle school and go back to elementary. It is a bittersweet move.
I accepted a 5th grade position and a week before school was out, I was moved to 3rd grade.
I have spent the summer planning to do Math and Science for 3rd grade.
My team teaching partner moved to a sped position on Sunday. I would now be self contained.
Two days later a 5th grade position came open.
So, yep...

I'm so excited for you that you are moving to 5th...I'm just not excited that you've done planning for 5th. You need to be like me and keep a folder for 3rd, 4th and 5th. That's what I have to do since I loop and move so much. I'm sooooo thankful I'm staying in 5th again though this year. Let me know if you need anything, love! xo
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'