Wow, July 1st is actually almost over. Time for Currently with Oh Boy 4th Grade.
We always have sports on in this house and if the Astros are on, we are watching them! 1st place in their division!!!! So fun!
I am loving that it is July 1st right now. Because July 2nd is the LAST DAY OF SUMMER SCHOOL!!!! I hope this is the last year I ever have to teach summer school!!!! It has been a long month!
I cannot wait to stop setting the alarm! We will be sleeping in and waking up on our own!!!
Hope tomorrow is not the slowest day ever!!!
Now, that I will officially be on vacation, I have appointments to get completed! The doctor and the dentist are already scheduled. Now, for the eye doctor. Been putting that off for a while now... getting old sucks!
All Star... I don't know, I am really good at sleeping. Seriously, I love sleep and can sleep anywhere at anytime.
Happy July and now I am off to do what I do best, SLEEP!
Be sure to link up and check out all the fun Currently's this month

Oh wow, I bet teaching summer school doesn't make that last day of school as exciting since you know you will have to keep teaching for a little longer. I hope you are able to relax and enjoy some summer vacay time in other places than the dentist and doctor. lol. I wish I was going some where exciting this summer but I'm not.
Lovely Literacy and More
Enjoy your summer! I am glad that summer school is over and you can finally enjoy summer! I enjoyed reading your post!