Showing posts with label Summer 2014 giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer 2014 giveaway. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Giveaway Winner and Monday Made It-August

I have been super busy this week and I am thrilled to share what I have been doing. 

First though, I have to announce the winner of my summer giveaway! 

Congratulations Lori, I have sent you an email about how to claim your prizes! 

And now, time to link  with Tara for this week's Monday Made It of course! 

I had this giveaway for my 400 follower and Blogiversary. 
Well, when I started planning in early July, I had a little over 400, and yesterday,
 I received THIS email from Bloglovin'

Seriously? I am speechless that I "MADE IT" to 500 followers! 

And yes, I have to celebrate, but I have to get through this giveaway and the TpT sale. So be sure to stay tuned! I am trying to be creative with my giveaways, so I need some brainstorming time! 

My second "made it" is what my husband and I made for our 9th anniversary date last week. 
The 9th anniversary gift is pottery, so he took me to a ceramic place near our home and we made this bowl together. We have done this before, but this is the first time, we shared a project. 

Of course, I LOVE IT!!!! 

I teased about this product I was working on last week. It became a monster, 
but I am happy with it. 
Texas K-8 Math Standards are completely new this year. I made these cards for 6th-8th to put up daily or weekly on my agenda/objective board. 

And since it was ready, I printed and laminated mine. 
I teach 6th advanced which means I need 6th AND 7th grade TEKS. 
Then I found this to store them in. 

Tabbed by color 
Now I am organized and ready to switch out as needed. 

Another product I revamped were my skill cards
I went ahead and printed these and laminated them as well. 
I bet you can guess what I am doing next? 
Yep, it involves scissors! 

I purchased it last week and made it as well. 

It will be an instant bulletin board when I get into my classroom soon. 
Sudoku Interactive Bulletin Board
Click here to get your own. 

And I am sure you won't, how could you? But, don't forget the big BACK TO SCHOOL SALE is going on today and tomorrow over at TpT.
Be sure to visit my store, everything is on sale!!! 

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Specials

Today is the LAST day to enter to win a FREE teacher T-shirt from Teacher T-shirts and a classroom pencil sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies 

I will announce the winner TOMORROW!!!!
Be sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post! 

And speaking of TOMORROW!!!!!!! 
It's the BIG Back to School Sale at TpT. 

So many stores are participating in the sale. 

I am putting my entire store on sale for 20%, and with the Promo Code BTS14, you will get an additional 10% off! 

I have been so excited and forgotten the promo code, so be careful before
you hit submit and enter that code!!!

Be sure to check those wish list you have created and check out the new and improved products I have just listed, just for this sale! 

And for my fellow Texas teachers: 

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

CAMT 2014- Session Debriefing- DAY 1 and GIVEAWAYS!!!!!

During CAMT last week, I did get into some really good sessions, even a few that weren't so good. But, I got something from everyone of them. 

My very first one, I actually walked out of. I was on the very back row of a huge lecture hall and five minutes into it, I knew I was not where I wanted to be. 

This is when I left to go meet 4mula Fun and Miss Math Dork. I had priorities people! 

My second session was a BIG one with featured speaker Glenna Tabor from Tabor Rotations. She was a good speaker and I could tell she had some good ideas, but with only an hour, instead of getting some real classroom application, I got a tease of what it is she does and how I could get more training on it through her company. 
I did leave with some good resources though. Her website is good and the one thing I will be using is a planning guide for my rotations this year. 
I also picked up a simple tool for naming groups. Instead of having students create their own and choosing something like sports teams or TV shows, they can create their own but they must use math terms. This way I can really instill more math vocabulary. See, that is useful and yes, I could have thought of it on my own, but I didn't. So happy for simple things like that to use right away with my students.

How she gives group member jobs. Again, useful! 
Next, I went to a session that focused on one lesson and a few percent and tax standards. (We call those TEKS in Texas)
It was much smaller and more interactive. We, the audience, played the role of the students and actually completed the lesson. The presenter was the teacher and then filled us in on how we would apply this in our classroom. JACKPOT! Seriously, it was perfect. She gave us the lesson and practical ways to adapt it to meet our needs, our student needs and various ways to differentiate it. I will definitely be incorporating it in my lesson plans. 

Lastly on the first day, I went to Jennifer from 4mula Fun's session. I feel like I have been to a session of hers just because of her blog and getting to know her in the blog world. I knew there would be a long line though, so I went early. I was right, her session filled up quickly and people were turned away. I went right to the front and when she saw me, she came up and hugged me. (I had just met her earlier in the day) It was so nice to feel so welcomed. This is also when I met Danielle from Live.Love.Math. She was helping Jennifer out during her sessions. For those who don't know, Jennifer had kidney stone surgery only a few days before CAMT. I cannot believe all she did after that experience. She was quite the trooper! 

Of course, her session was fabulous. I am still shocked when I hear people and how it seems its the first time they have ever heard of foldables and interactive notebooks. I shouldn't be, but I am. 
And because we were her second session of the day, we also got these great white boards and erasers to take with us. You know how we teachers love FREE! 
Great white board with place value included and a positive and negative number line.
Seriously ordering these when school starts! 

We made a pocket and used fun washi tape to add color! 
My goodies! 
She gave us great ideas, showed a few flippables and then showed how to apply it with our kiddos. 
Again, I walked away with knowledge I could implement immediately. 

Day 1 was a HUGE success! 

Don't forget about the summer giveaway. You can enter more than once. 

And... more giveaways over at Fifth in the Middle, one of my favs! 

Have you heard about this fabulous giveaway yet?

This is a multiple blogger giveaway. Click on the picture, it will take you to one of them and you can read all about it! Everyone loves a giveaway right? Plus, they have practical ideas and information to help the school year start right!

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Giveaway

I am so excited about this giveaway!!! 

First of all, I reached 400 followers recently and it keeps climbing daily. 
Secondly, my  blogiversary was this month. 

So, it is time to celebrate!!!! 

I was approached by Teacher T-Shirts and asked if I would like to have a giveaway or my readers. 

You know I jumped on that!!! 
Check out the great shirt I got. 

I have wanted this for a while. Seriously, as a math teacher, I say this ALL THE TIME!!! 

Pick out which one you would choose here

And since it's my blogiversary, I want to make the giveaway a  little bigger. 
This past January, I won a pencil sharpener in a giveaway and I love it. 
I am now giving you the chance to win your very own pencil sharpener!!! 
Classroom Friendly Supplies has graciously agreed to give a winner a FREE pencil sharpener! 

Groovy Green

The bonus for this as well, you can receive a 5% discount now through Oct 1st on a pencil sharpener. 
Please use the code: HRZWU
Be sure to check out their site and Facebook page

ONE winner will be chosen on August 4th! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Diane over at Fifth in the Middle is having a HUGE giveaway. be sure to visit her for some great teacher pampering prizes!!!!!

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