Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Diet? What Diet?

Remember the measurement/conversion project I shared about last week?

Well, it is in full force.

This was a my breakfast.
This was lunch.
This was my afternoon snack. Serious chocolate alert!

And this will HAVE TO BE ME AFTER SCHOOL!!!!

Quick Recap: Students are preparing a recipe and serving to their classmates. They are also completing conversions based on their recipe.

Check out this masterpiece! I did not want for my student to serve it. It's cupcakes!!!! These kids are going above and beyond their project!
                                                                  Gotta love the '80's


  1. Do you have a handout with the specific requirements of this project? This looks like so much fun, I would love to do it with my kiddos!

    1. yes, please email me at I will send you a PDF.

