I participated in the SLANT box exchange this month. It's hosted by Jameson over at Lesson With Coffee.

Not sure what this is? Click on the picture and JOIN IN the FUN!!!!
I met two great teachers!
My box was sent from Ms. O Reads Books!
She sent me some really cool things. I can't wait to put them up in my room!
Look at all the fun stuff! Um, yes, those are, were, Girl Scout Cookie flavored HEAVEN!!!
See the Sharpies sneaking in at the top? These are so perfect! I apparently am the only teacher in the world who doesn't have black sharpies! How did that happen? Well, now I do thanks to her!
And she MADE me the vertical and horizontal letters for my door. I am beyond thrilled.
She surprised me with my name and that BIG ATM for my college! I am sooooo excited!
They are going to look great on my teacher desk!
Up close so you can see how PERFECT it is!!!!
Thanks so much Angela!!! You are the best!
This was really fun, even in a hectic time. Definitely signing up again!

When you first said ATM, I was thinking the money machine. LOL!
Fifth in the Middle