Just warning you that this post will not be filled with some awesome thing I have done and can share. It's about an experience, an experience that I did and learned from, the hard way.
It's Tuesday, which means Tried it Tuesday with Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper.
Today, was a late start for us. We are working late so our principal allowed us to come in at 11:30. I was so thankful because I wanted to sleep in. I am definitely missing that part of my summer. I didn't sleep late, 7:30ish. But the fact that I was able to wake up on my own and not from a blaring alarm clock, made me happy.
I took a bath, played Candy Crush (yes, while soaking in the tub), had coffee, all before my children woke up. It was WONDERFUL!!!
I decided my youngest who is having a hard time getting back into the "day care" thing needed some good sleep. He slept until almost 8:45am. It was awesome. He woke up in a FABULOUS mood!
I made him breakfast and he watched cartoons while I worked.
Yesterday, we had training and then we began planning out our year, yes the entire year. It was tough to get started and I kept getting interrupted and by the end of the day, my head was spinning.
Well, this morning, I was on a roll. It was quiet, I had my coffee. It was great.
Then, reality set in. I explained to my three year old that he was going to day care, just later, like lunch time.
It was awful. It was total meltdown and I regretted my decision immensely.
On the work side, I was productive.
On the home side, OMG! I don't do well when my kids fall apart. I am so not patient with them and it makes me sweat. I hate sweating.
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I was going to apologize for a blurry bad picture, but then I thought, wait? Should there be a "good" tantrum picture! |
So, tomorrow is another day and I have another late start, not as late as today. But, guess who is going to day care at normal time?
And I will shut my door and work in my room, hopefully uninterrupted! (wish me luck!)
Glad you had a quiet morning, but :( for having tantrums. I'm still amazed at all of the bloggers that have children. I just don't know how you guys do it all. You're my heros! Have a great day tomorrow and I hope you get lots done. I'm one of those people that goes around buggin' everyone. Lol!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
Ahhh...Elizabeth!! This one hit really close to home! My youngest (little boy) is three as well and he has become SO attached this summer. He will barely let anyone but me do things for him and when I go anywhere without him, he cries his little heart out:( Thise first few days back might be rough and I just feel for you! I hope that the next day went a little better and sorry I am just now getting around to catching up on reading the link ups. I don't have to tell you what it is like to be a mommy blogger:)
Fourth Grade Flipper