Time to link up with Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday.
This is perfect to share because I got this idea from Holly this summer. I saw this on one of her posts.

It inspired me to make my own Homework Board.
This is what it looked like after the first month of school.
What is working?
My students know what is due and when.
I use a "No Homework Binder" system for returning homework. (I have blogged about this a lot) This chart has been helpful because students don't ask me "What's it called?" when they are filling in their sheet.
I also teach "regular math" and I have a separate calendar for those students. It is labeled clearly and a different color. This too, has been helpful.
What would I do differently?
I would make it a six weeks calendar. This would enable the entire six weeks expectations to be posted. For this year though, I will keep it monthly.
I had these posters made at Office Max this summer when they were having a super special for teachers. They are sturdy and BIG. I will have them made again there for those two reasons, but I only do that when it's on sale!
Can't wait to see what you have tried!

I love adding my homework to my class website and have the students copy it into their agendas each Monday. I'm fortunate that all of my students have internet and a magnet on their fridge with the website link...I am blessed with this for sure. I also add my homework assignments in Edmodo. This way no students can ever say they didn't know what was for homework. Great idea to get the posters made at Office Max!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
That was so weird opening your post and seeing my classroom!! Haha! Thank you for the shout out! What a great idea to use a monthly board! You are so organized. :)
Fourth Grade Flipper