Have you been following the iHeart Math Blog Hop. It has been soooo fun!

I have the pleasure of linking up with several wonderful math bloggers for a month long holiday hop.
We are excited about this collaboration because each day you can access a different blogger with
great holiday tips and a special gift. You can click on each date of the calendar, but remember that it's an advent calendar, so each day is unlocked on that date.
Stocking Stuffer #1
I want to share how our middle schoolers give back.
Each of our advisory classes is given an elementary student from one of our 3 local elementary schools and they "adopt" that child for Christmas.
Our students provide them with presents and a Christmas party, specifically for them!
It is a really awesome time in our school. We are low socioeconomic school, way over 50% free and reduced lunch ourselves. But, our students NEVER let these young kids down.
This will be our 3rd year and each year it just gets better and better.
The week before the holiday break is hard for all grade levels.
For me, at the middle school level and high school, our students have semester exams. They are required to take a two hour test for ALL their classes. Our schedules are crazy and there are days that I don't see my students. So, my tip for you teachers that have to deal with the same issues is to make reviewing interesting. Play a game, work in groups, allow students to teach the class, just mix it up and have some fun. Not only will they review, they will have fun and hopefully not make you lose your mind.
To help you with my Holiday Tip from above, I want to provide you with some
Order of Operations Review
A fun activity next week to keep yourself sane and help your students review.
Here is a forever freebie for you.
Thanks for hopping along with us.
Tomorrow, Christina at the Recovering Traditionalist will provide you with wonderful holiday tips and a special gift.

Happy Hopping!

I love the idea of kids helping other kids in the same school district! Nothing says Happy Holidays like a 2 hour test!
The Math Maniac
I don't agree with everything in this piece of writing, but you do make some semicolon grammar very good points. Regardless it absolutely was a well thought out and great read so i thought I would leave you a comment.