I feel like this giveaway has gone on forever! Because my vacation was planned and my blogiversary landed on that date, I put the giveaway together early, so in my world, it has been going on for a while.
But, I am back from a fabulous week in Vegas with my husband and friends and it is time to get down to business!
The winners are:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is how it will work:
Winner number 1 (Carla) will get the first four prizes, Winner Number 2 (Jennifer), the next 4, Winner 3 (Wendy), the last 4. The generous bloggers will be in touch soon!
And Winner Number 4 (Mindy), will get the Teacher Planner!!!!
Congratulations to the winners and thanks for all the participation. It was so awesome. I did check email in Vegas and it was fun to read your comments.
Not many of you have been to Vegas though. This was my 5th time. We LOVE it there!!!
I did take your advice and had a blast! I also went to Kahunaville at Treasure Island suggested by Danielle. It was actually my second time there. Their food is great. The atmosphere was great too. Plus, their drinks were really strong. Not sure if that was good or bad at the time.
Another suggestion was the zip line across downtown. We actually did that last year. We were planning on doing it again this year, but it was closed. Bummer, but still so fun!
We went for a full week. That is super long. We have never stayed that long before. My husband would stay longer, but we still have young kids at home, so that is max for us. Me, it was too long. It didn't fly by which was a good feeling.
We took in three shows, Jabbawockee, Carrot Top, and Tournament of Kings Dinner Show. We experienced the top of the Stratosphere and the Eiffel Tower. We ate, drank, shopped, drank some more and I played a lot of video poker. I won a few times, but nothing big. My husband played craps everyday and enjoyed himself immensely. We went with two of our couple friends and us women have become blood sisters due to all the secrets we told each other throughout the week! We are now sworn to each other for eternity.
Mostly, we walked! If you ever go, be prepared to walk and walk and walk and walk some more! Seriously people, we walked non stop!
I highly suggest this as a getaway if you are looking for one. It is a whole new world there!
There was an SDE (Staff Development for Educators) conference going on while I was there. No, I didn't go. This trip was pure fun, no work involved (except checking emails). I did see a lot of teachers with their "teachers' bags" though. I giggled a lot because, seriously we stick out like sore thumbs!
I won't bore you with every detail, there was a lot! But here's two
Best thing: Carrot Top Comedy Show: Seriously, so freaking funny!
Worst thing: I wore these super cute shoes. LOVE LOVE LOVE how they look.
And this is what I wore next:
I had to spend $8 on these band-aids! Seriously never, ever wear anything but flip flops while in Vegas!!
Again, thanks for participating in my giveaway and congratulations to the winners!
Time to get back in the swing of things around here. It's Monday, I didn't get a Monday made it in, so I have some catching up to do! Off to get my craft on!

LOL! Fashion hurts girl! Cute shoes though! I've never been to Vegas, but my husband goes every year for a "work" convention for Lowe's. He's been to see Carrot Top-he's got to be a great performer in person! Glad you had fun and glad you're back!
Head Over Heels For Teaching
$8 for Band-aids? You WERE in the desert!