Day 2 with The Teacher's Chair for a School Week Linky
Today we are sharing Read Alouds
What I miss most about elementary is Read Aloud times. Every year when I taught Kinder and First, I would read chapter books to my students. I always started with Charlotte's Web. I absolutely love that story.
But, now I am a middle school MATH teacher.
Thankfully, there are so many amazing authors out there who get that literature is still key no matter the age or subject.
Last year, when I taught circles, I read these books to my kids and they absolutely LOVED it. It was the quietest they had ever been. I will definitely be including these again this year along with others.

There are many books like this and when I just looked on Amazon, I found even more! Looks like I need t o make a list for my librarian. She is always asking us for titles we want. Now I know!
One of my all time favorite read aloud's is Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch. I loved reading it in first because the students had never heard of it before and listened so intently. It is absolutely hysterical and great for teaching a lesson on being yourself, no matter what!

Seriously, a MUST read for everyone!
Have you heard about this?
Check this out. Here is a creative and fun way to meet other teachers and receive a box full of goodies once a month! I think this could be sooo fun!
Click the picture above of this link to Lessons with Coffee. This is going to be GREAT!!!

I LOVE Robert Munsch! I have a ton of his books on tape. He is so funny when you listen to him! Alligator Baby is another favorite!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
I LOVE Stephanie's Ponytail! The Paperbag Princess is one of my favorites as well. He is such a fun author!
Robert Munsch is one of my favorite authors. You can listen to his books on his official website at
Do you know the David Carter pop-up books? We took the kids to the public library once and they used them as a math tie-in. I started some station activities for them (albeit elementary) but then got sidetracked. To be honest math is not my strongest suit so it takes a lot for me to figure out ways to tie it in. Worked with the math facilitator a bit ... when I find them if I think they're at all adaptable to math for older kids I'll post 'em. Also ... the books started to fall apart. Much loved and all. DARN POP-UPS.
ReplyDeleteDecimal place value I do get. That I do know. Non-fiction shelf of the library is a natural place for a real life reason why you need to know that 567.336 would be less than (or come BEFORE) 567.987.
Gary Paulsen has a couple of books called Lawn Boy and Lawn Boy Returns. Loads of talk of math and money. They are chapter books. So you'd have to pick and choose excerpts. And maybe feel like a librarian going crazy because they're reading the same thing for the 8th time because hello, who has time to replan every single lesson for every single class every time you give it.
And if this comment wasn't long enough? My newest favorite "be yourself and let others do the same" book? Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great (Bob Shea). Seriously. Look it up. ;)