Today, I have decided to share about how I have done vocabulary in my notebook.
First, for no particular reason, I use the back of my notebook for vocabulary. This is how it looked in my composition notebooks.
This is how we kept track of it in the table of contents.
This coming school year, I am using binders for my math notebooks. I plan to have the back still be for vocabulary. Our last divider will be for vocabulary.
I have done many different types of vocabulary.
This is the Frayer model. This was one I used in summer school this summer. These were bigger than I have used in class, but same method.
This was a vocabulary wheel we made this past year.

On the right is a vocabulary wheel without the cover.
On the left, we made a pocket to keep vocabulary note cards.I pinned them here.
I have cut up card stock, students write the word on one side, definition on the other. The right side was flaps we made one day.
I saw the left side on Runde's Room. My kids love using the gold brads for some reason. The right side is a shutter fold we made for types of graphs.
We made this one when studying circles. Another of my favorites because it was different than just writing definitions out. I am sure I found that on Pinterest too.
Then, this summer I found this. How awesome is this??!!!!
I absolutely LOVE it.

This is from Mrs. Hester's Blog, she has great posts about interactive notebooks. Definitely check her out and prepared to fall in love!
Having these words in their math notebooks makes it easy for me to direct them to use it as we are working. All of these words are posted in my room on the word wall or anchor charts, but for students to have these at their fingertips daily helped a great deal.
So now, I am forced with deciding to make a glossary type dictionary or by units with various methods. I could still do foldables for each unit. But, I really don't have time in my day to do both. Just not sure what to do. I would love to hear your opinions.

I love these ideas! I especially love the last one with the flip up definitions! Do you keep a master binder for kids that have been away? I'm thinking of doing that this year. I love the idea of using a binder too! Thanks for the great ideas!
Doodling Around in 6th Grade
Some great ideas to ponder. Remember you have to do what is best for yourself and youratudents. What about differentiating and showing them each method and then having them choose which one works best for them to put in the back of their notebook?
ReplyDeleteJennifer Smith-Sloane
I am just getting started with interactive notebooks and I appreciate your ideas!
Teaching High School Math
I love the vocabulary sorting pockets you shared! I'm not sure that I'll use them for everyone, but I might make them an optional left-side assignment choice for students who like flashcards for vocab.