It is FRIDAY!!!!
This week has been weird.
I saw my 1st-3rd periods one day and my 6th-8th periods one day all week.
They are kind of mad at me. But, they are understanding.
It wasn't for a vacation this time and they know it.
My 8 year old had surgery on Tuesday.
In preparation for being gone most of the week, we worked like mad men the week before on our new Geometry unit.
This is the last unit we teach before reviewing for our state test.
I spent the week before being out making sure they knew new vocabulary, concepts and had all the notes they would need for "practice" time while I was away.
The jury is still out on how that went, but their notebooks look GREAT!!
yes, it's a lot. We did that all i n one week. My kids were interactive heroes that week!
My birthday was Tuesday, I spent it in a waiting room for this sweet boy.
My son had his sixth ear surgery since 2011.
He has massive cholesteatomas in both ears. He has lost the hearing in his left ear due to them. He has one hearing ear and wears an external Cochlear Baha to help with his hearing.
We are on our third doctor and travel from the Austin area to San Antonio (about 2 hours) for care now.
Cholesteatomas are "tumor-like" and eat away at the ear tissue. They cannot be ignored. This is a life long ordeal for him. He handles it like a champ.
His surgery lasted almost 5 hours! This is traumatic for anyone!
Afterward, we tried enticing him with crackers, but it took a while.
Once he woke up though, he ate everything in sight.
This week was also picture day for his school.
He didn't want to miss it, so I took him up just for the pictures.
I tell ya, this kid is amazing!
His classmates were so happy to see him and his teacher just loved on him when she saw him. He can't return until next week for class. I was glad he wanted to go for the pictures though.
And because we are kind of "stuck" at home, I have been able to catch up on reading blogs! That's about all I have managed to get through so far at least.
Preparing for a sub for an extended time takes so much work. Preparing a family of four to be gone for three days in a hotel takes work too. We are also in the midst of baseball season for several teams.
That is time consuming.
Life is moving along and I am not a very good juggler, but I am trying.
Things are not slowing down and with four weeks until the state test, it's getting crazier and crazier at school.
This week has made me stop and check my priorities though. I am officially out of "sick and personal" days. I will begin to be docked when I take off. It sucks. We still have a lot of school left. But, my child(ren) come first. It is what it is and we will manage because we have no choice.
And last thing...
I am joining in on the Spring Cleaning Sale over at TpT. I really need to clean out my wish list and get myself organized. I have some time today to get it done. The sale is through the 31st! Different sellers are doing different sales, I am having a 20% off sale!!!!

Click here to visit my store. I do have some new products that are on sale too!

Doesn't your district have a sick leave donation bank? We wrote it into our contract that teachers can donate two days a year to colleagues who need the days. I've donated to two teachers going through cancer, one for a premature birth, and several others. Often we cannot do anything to ease the pain of the situation but at least we can make it a little easier financially for our friends and colleagues.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that the surgery went well for your sweet boy! I didn't realize the extent of the surgeries. You are a great mama and he is blessed to have you by his side! :)
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'