It's Tuesday, but I am posting about my Monday Made-It's.
Let's just say, it is going to be "that kind of week."
For those of you who labored through my pity party on my last post,
I hope this one makes up for it.
If you've been reading my blog, you have read about my first two made-it's recently.
First, my hubby made this coordinate grid for me.
A cheap shower curtain and electrical tape:
A grid!
Add colorful duct tape for the x and y axis and there you have it!
I blogged about how I used it here.
Then, I made these Battleship boards for coordinate pairs last Friday. The game is perfect and was perfect to play the day before Spring Break.
You can read about my classes playing the game here.
I also made this fraction operation set.
It includes, computation cards, problem solving cards, anchor charts and a flippable to make with notes. I am pretty excited about it. Check it out here. It's BRAND NEW! So new, that I still have to print and laminate my own set! That was on the agenda for Spring Break, but didn't happen. Hopefully it will this week.
I love the anchor charts that come with it. I will be getting these printed this week as well. Here's two samples.
As I plan for our last unit before we start reviewing for the "state test", I have made several flippables for our interactive notes.
This one is for angles. I found it for FREE. It is perfect for my advanced classes.
This one is for angles, that I actually made using my Flippables packet from 4mula Fun.
I also made this one for the Monsters Fraction Pack above. It is for sale in my store with or without the Monster Fractions Pack.
I have two versions depending on what strategy you would like to use for dividing fractions.
Thanks for laboring through all my made its! Be sure to check out all the good stuff shared this week!

Your post just reminded me to go empty out my cart on TpT to purchase that Battleship game. I REALLY want to do this with kids. Your coordinate grid that your hubby helped you make is still my fave!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'