I'm on Spring Break!
I am sharing an activity I tried last year.
We aren't in school on Pi Day (3-14), we are always on Spring Break. It kind of stinks for having a fun "Math Day Theme". We also don't teach circles around this time, so we have actually already completed this activity this year.
I created this activity last year when I taught circles. I had to have something fun. My kids loved it, except they said it made them hungry.
Click here to get this activity free.

Last year we also blew bubbles to find circumference and area of circles. This was super fun!
Click here for a free bubble recording sheet.

Awesomeness! I would do just about anything to get to blow bubbles in school. What a great idea. That stinks that you miss this day because of Spring Break, but it doesn't stink that you are on Spring Break! Lucky! Have a fabulous time!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
What an awesome idea to blow bubbles for working with circles!! Tomorrow some high school students are visiting elementary classrooms with Pi day activities! :)
Fourth Grade Flipper