Because of testing this week, my room looked like this:
YUCK!!! I CANNOT deal with this environment.
So immediately after testing, I enlisted my students to spruce up our walls.
First, we completed the egg activity from Runde's Room. This was PERFECT for right before and after testing.
Now they are working on graphing Angry Birds on a coordinate grid. This is more challenging than first glance.
As they worked on these, I played music on Pandora. I do NOT do this often.
So, when I do, they LOVE it.
We started our week stressed to the max. By Friday, we were all relaxed and just H-A-P-P-Y!
Be sure to link up with Joanne over at Head Over Heels for Teaching and get motivated!
Be sure to check out the awesome Spring Survival going on too!

LOVE your new walls Elizabeth! I bet your kids thought they had the coolest teacher ever! Artwork + music = happy students!!! Isn't is such a relief to be done with testing??!! Thanks for sharing and linking up!
Head Over Heels For Teaching
They look fantastic! That is the one good thing about the SBAC; we take it in the computer labs, so our rooms do not have to be stripped down to nothing.