This is my first summer blog post. Seriously?! That is crazy! It's almost July and I am just starting my summer blogging.
It has been a tough summer, career wise.
Long story short (hopefully), I was scheduled to move to 7th grade advanced math, but my heart wasn't in it. I love love love my students and want to move with them, but not teach the content.
I applied for some other positions and was the first loser for both. That's what my husband calls coming in 2nd place. I was bummed, but whatever, it is what it is.
Finally, after a good talk with my current principal, I am going to stay where I have been,
6th grade Advanced math.
Finally, I feel like I can "get excited" about the upcoming school year.
Finally, I can start "planning and preparing" for what is ahead.
And finally, I can get motivated to blog about school again!!!
What's coming up:
I reached 400 followers and my blogiversary is coming up which of course means,
I have some exciting news coming up soon about that. STAY TUNED!!!
I also want to share how my interactive notebooks turned out this year.
Our school is becoming a 1:1 ipad school. I have been to training and there are going to be some big changes with that as well. I am so excited about the possibilities and what we are going to be able to do with our students this next year.
Plus in July I get to attend CAMT. It's a HUGE Math conference and I am thrilled to be attending.
Looking forward to a great month, hope you will stick around to read all about it!