I finally completed a new product!!!
I had been working on it when school started and then just got swamped.
This Thanksgiving break has helped me complete it.
Now I have 4 sets of Differentiation Cubes available,
What I love about this is they are challenging and also work for intervention.
They work great for small group and math stations, and are exceptional for RTI groups.
Here's an example of the place value cubes.
Easy to print and make.
Print on colored paper, laminate and fold. (Card stock is too thick)
They are sturdy and last really well.
I have a personal scotch laminator and its thick, so I definitely recommend that.
Each cube has a different question, but uses the same numbers.
For addition, subtraction, and multiplication fact families are included. Number lines and even writing in math. Each has a word problem too. Students are going to love them, but also use their thinking skills.